Wheat 150% increase

We were about to do an experiment on what we made so we used the same wheat seeds in the same farm land but with 2 different fertilizers so that we could see the difference for the final results.

For one hectare of this land we used 6 kg of our own fertilizer ( 4 kg at first and 2 kg in about 45 days later ) and for another hectare of this land we used 18 kg of a Canadian fertilizer ( 3 month, each month 6 kg ).

When the wheat were yet green, we checked them both. In addition to increasing about 150 percent in production in the first land, we also found the stems 4 times bigger than the regular size with 120 cm altitude.

Meanwhile on the other land that we’ve been used the Canadian fertilizer, the production was like usual and we saw the regular wheat stems with only 80 cm altitude.